Forum Guidelines, Please Read Before Posting!
We designed these Rules for to clarify various responsibilities of all our members at Please read them carefully and follow these rules. If any forum rule is found to be broken, you shall be warned/infracted/banned and your post or options may be modified/removed.
- Language used must be English.
- Make use of search feature before starting any new thread to find relevant threads already started; if the thread already exists you can continue posting there.
- Start new posts/threads in the most relevant category/sub-category of the forum.
- Read the forum descriptions carefully before posting, not just the title; read the replied posts too.
- Your post/reply should add valuable information to the conversation.
- Either you agree or disagree, explain why and suggest your views. Your response should add value to the discussion.
- If you find the information valuable and helpful, you can value the member's post with a "Thanks".
- Do not post content generated by AI programs.
- Do not post low-quality content or very short replies.
- Do not post wild characters in your thread title.
- Do not post a question or any information that has already been posted previously.
- Do not post "Thank You", "Thanks For Useful Information", "Great Post, Thank You", "I agree with you", "Nice Article", or similar messages repeatedly without adding real value.
- "Thank You" posts and posts with short or useless content will be deleted without reporting. (Your account can be reviewed and possibly banned.)
- Do not promote your site or services in thread content; self-promotion is not allowed.
- Do not create posts with nothing but a link; if you link to an article, give a summary and ask a question or feedback about it.
- Self-promotion is only allowed via signature link or the paid sections of the forum.
- No adult content, mature content, or pornography is allowed.
- No personal attacks or offensive content. Keep posts positive.
- Respect copyrights of other users, posts, sites, media, etc.
- Do not post personal contact details of other people on the forum (violates privacy rights).
- You can use your affiliate links in your signature but no adult products/pharmaceuticals/MLM sites.
- You can use links of your Business Website, Facebook page, Twitter page, Google+, LinkedIn, or Pinterest page.
- No more than 2 links allowed in the signature.
- Images are not allowed.
- Adult links are not allowed.
- Users abusing these rules will be warned or banned.
Profile Picture
- Users may upload one of their own.
- Profile Pictures may not attempt to portray official status here (mimicking ranks or copying team members' profile pictures).
- Profile pictures are subject to the same conditions as posts regarding decency, etc.
- You can use personal photos, business logos, Facebook/Google+ profile pictures.
- Not allowed: Any Not Safe for Work, racist, abusive, hateful, or adult pics.
- Users abusing these rules will be warned and/or may lose their profile picture privileges.
Hijacking Thread
- Do not hijack another member’s thread/topic. This includes (but is not limited to) changing the subject on purpose or posting in someone's sales thread to offer your opinion when you have no intention to buy.
Useless or/and Irrelevant Posts
- Posts will be removed if they are irrelevant or useless.
Promotions, Ads, and Special Offers
- Promotions or ads for MLM/networking pyramid schemes, gambling, drugs, or pornography are not allowed.
- Sites that stream or allow downloading of copyrighted material (TV shows, movies, games, etc.) are strictly prohibited.
- Sites promoting ignoring the DMCA are strictly prohibited.
- Any deals between members are at your own risk. This forum is not responsible for disputes or legal matters between members.
- This forum does not allow deals involving fraudulent credit cards, banking details, identity theft, or any other illegal products/activities (instant ban).
Links Placed On Forum
- All outbound links are checked. If a linked page’s primary aim is to collect emails or promote products/services (outside the relevant promotional sections), the link will be removed without notice and an infraction/ban may be issued.
- Promotional offers must be posted in the relevant Advertising/Special Offers section only.
Q: Why have some of the words in my post been removed?
A: Certain words may be censored or removed by the administrator.
Q: Why are links removed from the content?
A: You are still not allowed to add any links. Follow the guidelines carefully.
Q: Why have I received a warning/infraction/ban?
A: You likely did not follow the rules of the Forum.